Upgrade to Piega C10's??

In your opinion, would I be likely to notice a significant improvement moving from my Piega P10's, to either the C8 limited., or C10 limited.?? I'm using Aloia amp and pre-amp. My system is in the living room with no room treatments. Just a regular old family room. Open to the kitchen on the left; speakers only about a foot from the front wall; back wall about 4 feet behind the listening position, cathedral ceiling, you get the picture.

I hear the new C Limited's are great speakers, but the P10's were touted as having "unbelieveable sound" when I purchased them, and they do sound good! I don't mind spending the extra money, but obviously want to hear a significant difference if I do. I'm no expert on this stuff. Some of the discussion about "extroardnarily smooth mid range" ect., sort of escape me.

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
I upgraded from the P-10's to the C-8 ltd's. I was hoping to tame the edge that I was getting from the ribbon midrange - tweeter. Although I found the C-8ltd's to be much smoother and coherent than the P-10's, I still felt that in all but the best recordings there was too much of an edge. I recently traded the C-8ltd's for the Kharma 3.2's. These speakers have all of the detail and speed of the C-8ltd's, but are considerably smoother, and more atmospheric. If you are considering a change, they should certainly be considered.
Good Luck
Well, I'll chime in here. I have C-3 Limiteds, but I have spent many hours with the C-10 Limited. I have to say that if my small room could handle C-10 Limiteds, I'd love to have a pair. I think the coaxial arrangement is absolutely better than the separate drivers on the P series. I have heard C-10 Limiteds, and P-10's back to back in the same system, and there is a difference.

For me, there would not be enough difference to justify the cost. OTOH, if I had the cash, I would upgrade no doubt about it. I think the point about the bass being tighter and more healthy. The P-10 bass is amazing, but the C-10 is tighter. I think the C's have the advantage of not having that rearward firing tweeter. I think that's kew for ambience, but I don't think it actually helps the highs vs. the C series.

Good luck, and let us know what you do!
I went from the P10 to the C8LTD and I could not be any happier.
That is not in any way putting down the P10. I loved that speaker. But the C8LTD is just that much better.