what if you put too much lead shot in your speaker

if you put too much shot in your speakers will it make them sound bad or just make the bass sound better?
That's interesting Larry. I would consider that a poor design then. I've only had the VS VR4jr s and they sounded much better after installing the lead shot. It helped to keep the cabinet from vibrating. But of course with other speakers YMMV.

If you use the correct design geometry and material choices then speaker vibration can be channeled away and not be retaimed in the cabinet..like when using lead shot..I think Larry worked with Albert at one time..Tom
Yes I did.
The geometry and the resonant peaks of the cabinet are all important. I can only say that, violins and violas don't use lead to dampen them. Pianos don't use anything to 'deaden' them either. The natural order of 'musical' instruments is to allow for vibrations to occur at their normal occurances. If My own speaker, which I designed, sounded better without a deadening lead shot, what would that tell you? The Sistrum points, ( I don't even know what they are called) helped, then something other that what you or I think, is at work here.
I am not trying to change your mind, just broaden your horizon, just as mine was.
I'm sure there are other things to try, but in answer to your question, I found that the recommended lead shot in my VR2s made the speakers sound much better. Does lead make them sound best? I don't know, but they sound much better with the lead for very little cost or effort.