Paradigm Studio 100 v.3 or B&W 703?

Any thoughts on these products. Both are new versions of existing products. Thanks.
Clarinetuofm1985, Good call...I guess the B.S. meter pegged. Congrats on your purchase Mark.
Man, how this forum changed from what it was a year ago. All these self-rightious newbies who know everything.... I think I will go the way of the by-gone regulars I used to chat with here and forget about all this new-found arrogance. It has been a few months in coming anyway. Hope you perfect guys will someday enjoy your music as much as I do mine. Good luck adioro and go with your ears for future reference.
I dont want you to leave, its OK to BS a little, we all do. Its human nature. But you cant say things like "Poor Distortion! ...............I feel sorry for him," and think that its just going to melt away. I remeber that slap at me, even if you dont. Look, if you dont like others folks opinions, gear, or whatever. Debate, DONT attack. Calling, either me or Clarine "self-righteous know-it-alls," doesnt help.