Green Mountain Audio still in business?

Sent out email to them, but have not heard anything back. Are they still in business?


128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
Just to be clear.............if you want to get thru to Roy, give him a call. E-mail is not his strength. While he may take some time to actually deliver product, his speakers compete with the best out there at any price and Roy is a true gentleman.
appears to be buried in work, hopefully that's a good thing. Promised to get my Europa's out first of week, an internal oversight, he thought they went out weeks ago. I'm cool with that.
I just spoke to Roy on the phone. Even though he is in fact buried in work, he took ten minutes of his time to chat about his speakers. He recommeded a dealer in SoCal for me to visit. I called this dealer and setup an appointment for a listen on Saturday. Need a replacement for my JM Labs Cobalts that I just sold. Whereas my JM Labs never dissapointed me, in my small condo and nearfield situation, they were just too big.

Anyway, I just wanted to give kudos to Roy as he seems like a very nice fellow.

More Kudos to Roy - he has spend much time with me on the phone and via email - a true gentlman. I am thrilled he is getting such demand for the europas!! Now Roy, about that subwoofer and active crossover we talked about...... how are those coming? :)

Cheers - Scott
Just joined the Green Mountain family.These Europas are some terrific speakers.Probably the most coherent speakers I have heard to date.Still love my maggies thou.Can't choose between the two.So I will keep them both.My hats off to Roy for designing such a wonderful speaker at an affordable price!

No hype with this is real!

Happy listening!