Good value upgrade from PSB STRATUS GOLDS to ?

The upgrade bug is beginning to Bite. Can anyone suggest a good value replacement for the stratus golds. I listen to mostly to smooth jazz and classic rock. My listening room is fairly large at 27 by 18 feet with a vaulted ceiling. I would hope to retain my existing components. Bryston 4bst, Rogue 66 Magnum preamp, Msb dac with p1000 PS, etc. Would appreciate anyones thoughts.

what is a good amp to drive them? i have a 250wpc carver,and a 350 wpc carver, quad tube pre-amp, modded jolida cd player (best bang for the buck..) and am wondering if a hybrid tube, or monos would be the way to go...
Adcom GFA-565 Monoblocks with musical concepts LX and platinum upgrades is what I use. The only thing better is the Krell 250
Big Spendor SP 1/2's. There was a review at and reviewer thought they were great in big room.