My M20s were humbled

Well, this weekend I got to listen, quite extensively to the new JMlab Micro Utopias. As much as I love my M20s the wind has come out of my sails. I compared (M20s) them to most of the other monitors out there, before and, even, after, my Revel purchase. Never looked back; until now. Yeah, they cost 3x as much: $5700-ouch! No they're not 3x better, but the Micro Utopias are in a class all to themselves, for my ears. This is one killer monitor. Beautiful bottom to top. Midrange, highs (ooh la la) and sweeping deep soundstage to die for. Everything. Still needs a sub, but what monitor doesn't. I'm really quite excited by this ear popping, tympanic tittalating audition. Now, where am I circumlocuting to?--Harmonic Precision Caravelles. Got my order in for a pair of these babies, and now I'm more excited than ever. Why is that? Reliable ears have indicated to me, (quite humbly), that I will do better, for a fair comparison, to compare these new Caravelles to speakers a notch or two higher than the Micro Utopias. I'll keep you guys posted when the deed is done. Also: no subwoofer needed. Monitor speakers that don't require a sub? This is exciting stuff. Probably another month before this happens. Can't talk from experience, now. Just literal hear say. But good hear say.
peace, warren
P.S. You can get more specs on the Caravelles from their website.
They were incredibly dynamic to my ears. They did require a sub. Hey let's face it, not only monitors, but many claim-to-be- full range speakers could use a sub. I heard them with a Rel sub, as well. Ecstasy. Calanctus, those HPs will be coming out soon. You may not need to go to $5700. The Caravelles cost $3500. Not small change, but neither is the sound. They'll be here soon enough. I'm psyched. peace, warren
Other than reduced baffle area, what advantage does using a smaller stand mounted speaker give you over a larger floor stander with greater bass potential ? If they both take up the same appr amount of floor space and the monitor and stands cost as much or more, why would anyone want to throw away the bottom end extension that a full sized cabinet offers ? This is NOT meant to attack anyone, but is a legit question. Sean
Sean: various authorities including J Gordon Holt say that optimum bass response and optimum soundstage/imaging usually require different positions in the room. Having the mid and treble drivers on a monitor allows you to position them for the best stage, and having the sub in a separate box allows you to position it for the best bass, at least according to this theory.