Who has heard the new Avalon's?

Has anyone heard avalon's new ascendant? I was able to listen to it for just a short period and I really liked them. Anyone else heard these? What were your impressions?
I will let everybody tomorrow; I am demoing them tonight with both Spectral and ARC
The Avalon Ascendant is their new entry level model. At $8000+, thy are not inexpensive. But at a 1/4 of the price of the Eidolon Diamond speakers, you hear 70-90% of their attributes. The soundstage was wide and deep with almost pinpoint imaging. The bass was very good for such a small speaker, Mahler's 1st Symphony was as realistic as you could possibly have with excellent dynamics and bass. The transient response with cymbals was also very good. Vocals had well defined pitch and nuiance. The tonal balance was fairly neutral, with a slight prominence of the upper bass. The speakers transparency and presence are not in the same class as planars or electrostats, though very good for a dynamic speaker. As far as electronics go, the Ascendants sounded cleaner, more dynamic, and the resolution, the ability to pick out every little detail on the CD, was the best with Spectral. The Audio Research, was not up to par with Spectral in virtually every respect. Overall, the sound was clean with excellent soundstage and imaging, the hallmark of Avalon. If you are into dynamic speakers then I would give a listen. By the way, the fit and finish are still first rate another Avalon trait.
Is this a replacement for the Eclipse Classic? But with two woofers, it's more like the old Radian.
Thanks Shubertmanic for your accessment on the new Avalon.
I have the BAT VK 200 SS and BAT 30 tube preamp which should work well with the Ascendant. I realize spectral is proably in another league butI will get to listen to them in my setup. Thanks so far with all the replies.
Drubin: Both the Radian and the Eclipse are sealed designs; there is a port on the bottom of the Ascendant. Avalon speakers are not bright at all, so it might sound like the highs are rolled off or muted, but if you meter it out with a sound meter and test tones, they are generally very flat up to at least 16kHz. Truly the only problem with Avalon, and this is with all dynamic speakers is the tranparency issues compared to an electrostatic or planar. They cannot compete with the Maggies or my Acoustats. I personally have the Radians with an all Spectral/MIT setup. As well as the Acoustats with an all ARC/Nirvana setup. Both sets of,speakers just do different things to the music, not better, just different.