Steve answered the following:
LD: How do you set C2 error correction on such a device on the MAC? (forgive me, but I've used PC's for 18 years and know them well, but I'm clueless about Macs.
Steve: It either does it or it doesnt.
LD: I'll be using XLD or MAX to rip to AIFF as you suggested.
Which of the two do you think pulls more of the track names over when ripping?
Steve: Dont know. Both probably the same.
LD: Like John, my music is on a multi-TB server in the house hooked to a fast router. I wanted all the music available to any computer in the house. RE: SQ: Any disadvantage to using a server versus putting the music on an external hard drive?
Steve: Yes, internet traffic and latency can cause drop-outs.
LD: How do you set C2 error correction on such a device on the MAC? (forgive me, but I've used PC's for 18 years and know them well, but I'm clueless about Macs.
Steve: It either does it or it doesnt.
LD: I'll be using XLD or MAX to rip to AIFF as you suggested.
Which of the two do you think pulls more of the track names over when ripping?
Steve: Dont know. Both probably the same.
LD: Like John, my music is on a multi-TB server in the house hooked to a fast router. I wanted all the music available to any computer in the house. RE: SQ: Any disadvantage to using a server versus putting the music on an external hard drive?
Steve: Yes, internet traffic and latency can cause drop-outs.