Who has heard the new Avalon's?

Has anyone heard avalon's new ascendant? I was able to listen to it for just a short period and I really liked them. Anyone else heard these? What were your impressions?
Drubin.What can I say?Performance is in the taste of the listener.I agree that you could not possibly be happy with the sound of a 2 way,8 inch woofer driven design like the Eclipse now that you have indicated that a priority of yours is to reproduce the kind of bass response that a "rock" musician wants us to hear.I don't think that was a design goal of that speaker.I'm sure there are loads of speakers for you on the current audio scene.Good Luck.
You missed my point. But given your tone of voice, I won't waste any more time on it.
Drubin,I'm truly sorry if my response appeared to you to be offensive.Please accept my apology if that was the case.No response is needed.Just wanted to put it out there.