Well, at least everyone likes what they bought. No ego gratification, justification here. HA!
Here's a question: Is it more important to be phase and time correct electrically, or at the point of the listener?
That is, coming out of the speaker, or at the point where the listeners ears are: if so why, then how do you do that? Then, what is the result? Then what speaker does that, (or speakers).
Phase and time correct electrically may not matter if the listerner hears a sound which has terrific lobing problems in the room. Just a thought.
Here's a question: Is it more important to be phase and time correct electrically, or at the point of the listener?
That is, coming out of the speaker, or at the point where the listeners ears are: if so why, then how do you do that? Then, what is the result? Then what speaker does that, (or speakers).
Phase and time correct electrically may not matter if the listerner hears a sound which has terrific lobing problems in the room. Just a thought.