I need to get rid of my JBL 4311s don't I?

I have a pretty decent system and can't help thinking that my 70's JBL 4311's from a radio station are holding me back.
I have them perched on some leadshot filled Target stands...toed in about eighteen inches from the wall. To my ears they sound great if the vinyl I am spinning is great. They seem to be a very revealing, flat, near field monitors. What speakers should I be checking out as replacements? I have an ARC Ref1, VPI TNT 3.5, ARC Ref Phono, ARC D130, old Cardas Hexlink interconnects. My local hifi emporium has a pair of used Quad EL63's that they are asking fifteen hundred bucks for...I listen mostly to jazz...lots of mono....and soul from the 60s...any suggestions? I am not concerned about cost but do like to get some bang for my buck. I have considered going all out for Wilson's, Revel, or B&W but really don't know where to begin. My next purchase is certain to be some kind of monoblock tube amplification but I guess that is for another thread. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
I've just bought JBL 4315, it sounds much much better than my current modern Quad 22L in all aspect.

Anyone heard 4315?
You also mentioned wanting to purchase some kind of tube amplification in the future? That being the case, why not see if you can arrange to bring your JBLs along when you begin to audition the amps you have singled out for audition? This will not only allow you to hear the results of that sort of combination, but it will also allow you to talk to various dealers about the sort of speakers they might suggest & hear the speakers they are using.
Man, don't give up your 4311's. Many feel those were the best loudspeakers ever made. There is no better way to get bang for your buck than to use JBL studio monitors. Comparatively inexpensive, but almost all the major (and minor) recording studios used those speakers when recording the albums you listen to. What better speaker to have than ones which will give you the same sounds the artist was mixing on?!! I have a pair of 4311's as well as classic 4412's (with freq. adjustments). The 4412's (which are still sold w/o frequency adjustments) are the only thing I'd recommend, and it's a close call as to whether they sound better than the 4311's. Even though the 4412's have a titanium tweeter, the cone tweeter on the 4311's has an amazing high frequency sound. People are clammering to buy 4311's on eBay so don't think for a minute that you're missing out. My 4311's and 4412's whip the heck out of $10,000.00 Vandersteen speakers my friend has (in my opinion). Moreover, I have a high-end, modern system with various Sunfire signature components, and my JBL's sound just find with them.
I managed to get a pair of 4311b's in exchange for some computer work - they have now replaced my Klipsch floor standing speakers. Yes they are very revealing but, my music and home theater haven't sound better in 7 years. These little babies rank with the best that I've heard (I've owned VMPS,INFINITY,POLK SDS SRS SERIES, KLIPSCH, DEF TECH, AND PARADIGM). The JBL's are by far my favorite and they mate with my custom subs better than any other speaker I've owned. Stay with the classics!

I love the JBL 43xx series.

The 4315 are an extraordinary design. The performance is outstanding. They are probably the most modern sounding speaker in the 43xx family. Very analytical and extreemely rewarding from a dynamic point of view. They can gobble up lots of power. I would couple them with a 300 watt contemporaty McIntosh power amp.