Request setup tips from VMPS RM-40 owners.

I just ordered a pair of RM-40s with FST tweeter upgrade from John Casler in Los Angeles. (Nice Guy) Any initial setup tips would be appreciated. I will be using these in a 27' by 19' room with vaulted ceiling. Due to WAF they MUST be placed on the short wall about 11' apart, and my listening point is about 17' away.
These replace my PSB Stratus Golds, and I plan to retain my Kimber 8tc biwire cables, and existing components. Bryston 4bst, Rogue 66 Magnum preamp, Msb dac with p1000 PS, etc.
Would appreciate anyones comments.

Nice choice..RM40 is an excellent speaker..I congratulate you for your choice..I would suggest you to ask this question on have a forum there and I am sure there will be lots of people willing to help you..the other thing I will suggest you is to change your speaker cables..I think RM40 deserves better cables than Kimber 8TC..anyway I hope you enjoy your new speakers..

I appreciate your response. I did find a lot of info and started a thread there as well.

My setup was simple, after one month I carefully boxed the 40s and used a dolly to cart to garage and then placed a for sale ad in Audiogon.

PS If you keep the Bryston, MSB and Kimber you may only make a week before journey to garage.

This is about the first negative comment I remenber seeing on the RM40S. Could you elaborate on what problems you had, or what you didn't like about them to prompt you to sell.


I owned the RM2s before I purchased a used pair of 40s locally from a friend. I was expecting far more as to sound quality as they retained the same house sound of the 2s.


Great bass extension
Very good imaging and soundstaging.
Very musical in the proper room with proper electronics etc.


Big and heavy
Poor craftsmanship for the asking price
Something always needs to be updated $$$$$
Small sweet spot
Way to much tweaking needed to sound decent.
Overall tonality of both are just not to my liking.

IMO the 2 and 40 are great HT speakers and to get the best out of them for two channel you need a brute of a tube amp and everything else downstream better be excellent and a MATCH for the 2 or 40s.

I think a home audition before purchase is mandatory for potential customers. All feedback on the 40s that I have read are positive, so do not condem me for not following suit.

P.S. I actually owned both.