difference between ATC SCM7 and SCM12?

Curious if anyone has experience on the sonic differences between the 7s and 12s?

Been auditioning the 7s in place of aktiv Ninkas and LOVE them, but a little to small for the space they're in.
How big is your place? I'm using original passive ATC SCM10s in a 20+ X 14 (speaker is on the long side wall.)
and it works fine.
Did you go with the ATC SCM 7's or the 12"s or just stay with the Ninka's?

I ask because I have been considering the 12's or the Ninka's.
I definitely want the 12s, but am waiting for sufficient cash flow.

Ninkas, while being very pleasant - can't hold a candle to the ATCs in speed or midrange. I currently own a pair and they're gorgeous, much nicer in appearance than the ATCs, and shielded.

If you go for the Ninkas, the upgraded bases are a MUST!!
