Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?

Listen mostly classical piano and Medieval music. No amp yet. Room is 16x25 (lively). Thanks!
Speakers with metal or aerogel drivers sound better on piano than my kevlar B&W's. Ellis 1801's (seas) and Ascend Acoustics CBM-170 (aerogel)are examples. Since piano is a percussion instrument, you need a stiff driver to keep the impact sharp -IMHO.

I have owned Vandersteen, Totem, Meadowlark, Spendor, Reference 3A and Living Voice. The latter 3 do a very good job w/ piano, but the best I have heard with piano were Harbeths (with class A Pass amps) and Quads (with VAC gear). Unfortunately, the Harbeths didn't light my fire othewise, and the new Quads too $$$.

If someone is looking for absolute best piano sound, he is going to want timbral accuracy and solid dynamics. Timbral accuracy from 20hz up to 20khz. Revel Salon or Revel Studio. 2 of the best speakers for timbral accuracy and dynamics regardless of pricing. I have also owned a pair of Vandy 3A sig's, No Vandersteen should be listed in this persons category if this is the case. A different style of speaker altogether.
Allegro is spot on!!!! If you have the room, the Apogee Scintilla is Piano and medieval magic on a large scale. Next thing needed is either for sale.