Recomendation for speakers BEST for Piano?

Listen mostly classical piano and Medieval music. No amp yet. Room is 16x25 (lively). Thanks!
Ritteri, your comments are, well, more opinion than fact until proven otherwise, so saith doubting Thomas. I would be interested in hearing more details on how you have arrived at your conclusions, these tests that you have done. I haven't heard an audio system yet properly produce all the things necessary to convey the realism of a live piano, any piano. Timbre is the first to bite the dust but Quads do come closest in my experience but lack in other areas, dynamics mostly, to be totally convincing. I sure would love to have you prove me wrong cause then I will have found my speaker!

btw, I've heard some great recordings on both vinyl and CD on modified IRS 5 and Genesis 200 system which came closer than anything in ALL areas, but maybe I was fooling myself in believing what I heard wasn't real? ;^)
There's an awful lot of entitlement and opinions flying around on this thread. My buddy, Duane, plays the skin flute (I think he also appraises them too) and I know for a fact if you blindfolded him in the room with his kickass home theatre setup that he couldn't tell the difference between a porno playing on his 6-channel and actual fellatio going on in the room. I know because he and his friends actually tried it once and they were all repeatedly stumped. Can't remember the components though I do remember he seemed to have enjoyed the challenge and recommended I try the same with my wife. Duane's an odd duck, he tells me he really sucks at playing the skin flute but he seems to have an awful lot of willing partners. Must be the kick-ass HT setup. Gotta git'me one of them!

Ritteri...Your credentials are overwhelming. Why don't you run for president.

You must have not tried many amps on your Duettas. I used a mere 150 watt amp on those "inefficient" speakers to very good results. Good enough to have Martin Logan owner and a Quad owner enjoy them.

Only the Scintilla really fits the bill as grossly inefficient. Even so, when the Scintilla is matched with a can do amp, there are few full range speaker contenders.

That precludes the Quad - not full range.

My Scintilla does straight line down to 20db, and trails off to beyond. The mids and highs are as delicately articulated as any, while surpassing nearly all.