Does your system's sound change with the weather?

This maybe a crazy post but here goes. I have been noticing this with every decent pair of speakers I've owned for a while now. The sound of the system seems to change with the weather. This used to drive me nuts. One day things sounded great. The next day I would either hear a slight dullness or it would be more emphasis on the highs.

I would swap gear and unplug the power conditioner.None of this ever helped.Then I remeber reading one of Roy Johnson's post that mentioned air pressure and the differences in spl depending on the elevation.

Over a year ago I started paying closer attention to the weather but specifically low pressure and high pressure weather systems. Sure enough when ever there was an eratic pressure change, the sound would change in my system. Could this be the speakers ears or both that allow me to hear these changes in air pressure? Is there anyone else that notices this? All comments or theories welcomed!
I have not noticed this effect, but this discussion came up on a DIY speaker site. It had to do with sealed cabinet speakers. If a cabinet is really "air -tight" then simple science suggests that changes in outside air pressure could result in either positive or negative pressure on the back of the woofer in this extremely tight cabinet. This pressure would of course affect woofer excursion. It would only last until the pressure equalizes over time. Some posters to that sight blew the entire idea off saying that slow rises in atmospheric pressure would equalize almost immediately, others considered it at least possible but obviously only with an extremely tight cabinet. Just a thought. As I said, I have not experienced this.
try living in Michigan! The weather changes as much as I change the channel on TV!

Interesting thread.... I notice my stereo listening enjoyment goes up and down like a barameter so, I will note the weather on especially good stereo listening days, remember the glass is half full :)
Philojet I am glad I don't live in Michigan or CT! You guys live in winter wonder land.Folks down here are in shorts and t-shirts. It's warm enough to ride around with the top down. Ah nothing like 75/80 degrees in March.LOL!!! Sorry Buscis2 ...I know you guys in CT were in the 20s today with a snow storm..HeheheHaha
Gmood, Let me see if I can find any more open wounds for you to rub some salt in. Actually after 45 years here in CT, I have finally had enough. The house goes on the market in May, and I'm moving out to southern Cal in July.

We had two 60 degree days a couple of weeks ago. I had my shorts and t-shirt on. But I still couldn't get Lisa to ride around with her top down.

That really sucks.