floorstanding speakers for NAD C-320BEE amp

what speakers would complement the sound of the NAD amp best? The price should be $1000 or less, new or used.
I have the same amp. I was thinking Axiom M22ti or the M50ti. Any other suggestions? Meadowlark is a bit pricey for me. I would love to spend less the 600.00.
Keep in mind also that the NAD 320BEE has no subwoofer out, so the speakers need some kind of decent bass responce.
Help me out.
Tonymatelli- You can route your wiring thru a sub and use the sub's crossover.

Do 2 channel amps have sub outs or is that only for HT?
Quad 21L or 22L which I power with my NAD C350 but I'm sure the 320BEE would be fantastic for these outstanding speakers.