Revel Studios for half price?

The title is a little mis-leading.
What I'm looking for is a speaker that sounds as good, or nearly as good, as the Revel Studio, which sounds pretty amazing to me, but cost half the Studio price.

I'm about to set out to audition speakers until I find one that cost in the $3-3.5k range and can hang with the Studios.

Is there such a speaker?
Any audition recommendations?

Best Regards,

Worldcat: The guy is looking for sonic characteristics of the full range Studio, not the sucked out midrange that all Aerial's(AKA generic Wilson Audio clones except for the 5B's which are excellent monitors but not full range) are known for.
Not exactly what you were asking for but I purchased a Revel Salon in 10/10 condition last year for half price on A'Gon. So if I was in Geoh's shoes I would wait until you find a Studio on sale on A'Gon.
You say,
"We put a few of the older Continuum's up on an RTA. We could never match the response curve between ANY single unit under identical circumstances or even get em close."

We do indeed match to tight tolerances as stated above- always have. I personally have re-checked drivers and crossover parts from customers' speakers we made going back 20+ years, and seen no remarkable changes. Your measured differences don't agree with our tests, or those published by Brent Butterworth, Andrew Marshall or John Atkinson. So there must be a wiring error inside, if the speakers weren't abused. I'd encourage that owner to contact us to make it right.

BTW, our drivers are not "average", but it's understandable how you'd have a negative opinion after getting such weird measurements. The drivers we've used over the years are the most linear, and many times not flashy-looking. Linearity is not an opinion- it's a set of measured quantities, and you should have been able to see linear behaviour in your measurements. This is why I suspect we screwed up or that the speakers were abused.

People buy our products because of what they hear.
Let me know if we can help those odd Continuum 1's.
(719) 636-2500

Best regards,
Roy Johnson
Green Mountain Audio