Revel Studios for half price?

The title is a little mis-leading.
What I'm looking for is a speaker that sounds as good, or nearly as good, as the Revel Studio, which sounds pretty amazing to me, but cost half the Studio price.

I'm about to set out to audition speakers until I find one that cost in the $3-3.5k range and can hang with the Studios.

Is there such a speaker?
Any audition recommendations?

Best Regards,

$1295 back in 95' to what now? Dont want to under sell em by all means, just dont go to the other extreme(Like Wilson Audio) either if you know what I mean! =)

For a 10" three-way, we've made the Continuum 1.5 since 2000. It has several times the parts cost of the C-1, with better cast marble visually and acoustically, and an even stronger and quieter (more difficult to make) woofer cabinet. $4995/pair in black. And it sounds better.

We are still working on a less expensive 3-way. Sound quality is not an issue. Simplifying the design to reduce man-hours in cast marble and cabinetry is.

Have an excellent weekend!
Id be very interested in hearing a pair of the C3's, Ive heard a few people make claims on them,I would also like to see a speaker that truely is +/- .75 DB in its specified response range as the GMA's claim to be(along with parts tolerance and pair matching,phase response etc, alot of the specs seem to be to good to be true). The first ones I heard were not that regardless of possible reasoning. I have a pair of 5A Vandy's at my disposal just after Xmas too. Would love to hear a pair of them with my Salon's and the 5A's. Im very skeptical on alot of the claims, but would love to eat my words as I do like seeing small business's compete with bigger mfg. Alot of the times though they just dont have the equipment or R&D to compete.
They are great speakers. The newest model is sure to be the best yet ! RM-30s. They'll be here in January. Here is a picture

And best of all, only around 3500 with all options !