Best New or Used Speakers

Willing to spend between 1000-2000 new or used. Former magnepan owner, but looking for more room friendly less finnicky speaker to place with nice sweet spot. Perhaps even a more forgiving top end and better bass. Use SS high power equip and love all music venues. Love complex orchestral to Creed... med room that can be a bit bright and difficult... but I dont want the room rule out a choice for a great speaker in my price range. Can a maggie owner find true happiness outside of a ribbon ?? Thoughts? Recommendations?
I'm a tad biased, if you can step up a few more dollars....

Take a look at used Aerial 10t's......a great bargain that works well with solid state or.........

Genesis V or 500. Woofer amp included, GREAT soundstaging will work with solid state though tube amp would be better.

For just a little more $$$$ a LOT will open up for you.

Hopefully helpful, if not please forgive this music lover/devil's advocate!


Paul :-)
I second the Aerial 10T's .I do have them in my listening room.Paired with Rogue tube monoblocks.Highly recommended,but you will need to go way over the 2000$ range.Good luck and happy listening.
In the used arena, I'd recommend Thiel CS3.6's. Great speakers for the money. New, at the bottom end of that price range, the NHT ST-4's are outstanding. Without knowing the price, I would have pegged them for going at more than double the asking price ($1,000). I also like Totem's floorstanders in that price range. A long time Maggie fan friend of mine just bought a pair of Totem Arros (NHT ST-4's were actually his first choice, narrowly, but wife wanted something smaller), and we were amazed by their soundstage and imaging. FWIW, we both felt that the NHTs and Totems sounded much better than similarly priced Maggies, although I should note that all of our listening was done with SS receivers/integrateds.
