I need some suggestions for some new speakers...

My system consists of:
Creek 5350SE
NAD 541 Cd player
Music Hall MMF-5
Monolithic Phono Preamp, and Power supply
Kimber speaker cable w/ WBT terminations

My current speakers are Axiom M3Ti's.
My room size is approximately 13x11.
My tastes are heavy in jazz, classic rock, classical,and some world music. I am big into imaging from my speakers, and I tend to favor more bass in a speaker. I am looking for something under $1200.

Thanks for the help.
Check out the Von Schweikert VR1s (www.vonschweikert.com). Since they are mini-monitors, they are great at imaging and they go fairly low (40Hz). Of course if you could add their VRS1 sub (which would likely push you over your budget) you might just find yourself in heaven. Good luck!
Magnepan MMG's and a Adire Rava SE subwoofer. Absolute magic for about what you want to spend and no used equipment to deal with. Good luck!
Thanks for the responses! Another thought, since I my room is only 13x11... I had thought about adding a subwoofer to my current system. Any particular subwoofers that can be recommended? Something preferable under $600. I am looking for a good compliment to my current system. Creek 5350SE, NAD C541, MSB link DAC, Monolithic Phono preamp, Music Hall MMF-5, and Axiom M3Ti's.
I've seen a few REL Q100E's on sale at A'gon for 600 or less. I've been using one for 5 years and can recommend it with confidence. I'm also running the Creek 5350, but am using Silverline SR 11's and SR 17's. I just saw a demo pair of the SR 17's advertised for 1500, maybe if you get a little Christmas money...