Piega P-10 / Solid State or tube amplification?

I've owned my Piega P-10's now for about 8 months and have been extremely pleased with their performance. I wanted to ask other P-10 owners or others familiar with this speaker if it works better with SS or tubes? And if tubes, what kind?

I'm currently using Classe' CAM-350 monoblocks and appreciate your input.
I am using Piega c-10ltd with the Manley 250's in triode and sound is excellent. They definitely need some power to make them sing.
I have C-3S & Rel sub combo and have driven them with Klimo tube 100 watt class A mono blocks and a Krell KSA-150. With the tube amp the midrange was awesome, but ultimately settled on using the Krell. With the Krell midrange was real good, but in comparison to the Klimo the Krell really opened up the Piega's, lower midrange and upper registers crushed the tube amp.
Anyone heard the piega's with the new rowland amps{ 201 or 302}? I think this would be a great match but haven't had a chance to hear this matchup. I am currently using a Belles 250i integrated with very good results. Tube input/ss output, best of both worlds.