Reference Monitor Recommendations Help-Please

Hello All,

I'm looking for input on some high quality reference monitors. I have a small room 12' x 13'. I'll probably use a Bryston 3B SST or 4B SST Amp and already have a Bryston BP25MC Preamp. For a Subwoofer, I already have a SVS 20-39 PC Plus (525W Active)ready to go. I'd like to keep the Monitors price $2,500.00 or under. Not too fatiguing on the ears but with rich (Musical) sound. Also looking for recommended speaker wire type and brand (under $1K). Respected Audiophiles, thank you very much in advance.
I currently have Monitor Audio 3i "Book shelf" monitor speakers at this time and run them on a Dennon POA 2400 Amp. They get a little fatiguing after a while and I must watch the volume to keep it lower than where the sound starts to become improved in midrange and bass response (they have a 5" midrange and 1" dome tweeter, dual front ports). I'll notice a slight inner ear discomfort and slight ringing if I don't keep the volume lower(after listening for a while, piercing highs). They sounded better after break in, however, they are still bright sounding and need a slight more mid-range and bass sound (more balanced, however, I realize they are small speakers and I can't expect but so much). I have the "there's something better" bug and realize I must spend more money and go hunting for better speakers and think more on some room treatments (I have reflective sheet rock walls, carpet floor). I am 44 years old now and realize my hearing has changed some and my desire for a more full and richer sound has increased (more mid and lower register musical balance). I'm changing out the entire system. Thank you very much to you who have responded thus far and I welcome more input and recommendations.
I also recommend Tyler linnbrooks and the reference moniters. I have both, they are detailed and non fatiging. These speakers are very sensitive, you would do nicely with the 3B. The linnbrooks are a little fuller in soundstage while the ref moniters price would allow to match a sub if you so choose.
Another vote for Ty's speakers. Owned the Ref Monitors and now own the Linbrooks. Amps were 4B-ST and then 4B-SST on both the Ref Monitors. The bigger Bryston squeezed out a little more bass. The Linbrooks will give you a better low end and while I've never used a sub for music I understand that people who use the Ref Mons and a sub are very happy. You could probably buy a used pair of Refs and a sub for less than the Linbrooks if you are looking for deep bass. Get good stands which ever model you go with. Let us know how things turn out.
Green Mountain Audio,SPendors, or Sonus Faber...all make excellent, musical, non-fatiguing monitors...with unreal transparency...and 3-d imaging to die for...good luck...
Rgd is right on with the stands. Get the best you can afford. Stands are a major (fundemental) extension of your speaker and will have a significant effect on the sound of your monitors. I use the Sistrum Mini Monitor Platforms. Yeah, they are pricey, but they are the most unbelievable stands: visually and, of course, sonically. Most audiophools do not take into consideration the stands when dropping the big $$ on killer monitors. My particular stands have a baby brother; while not better, are also unbelievable. Cool to look at (like no other stand you've ever seen) and wait 'til you hear what they'll do for your speakers. check 'em out. peace, warren