Isolation question. Monitor on Subwoofer

Just curious...

I have 2 subs, and due to space limits i have been thinking about going with Monitors and putting them on the subwoofers.

Here is my idea, if anyone knows if this will not work please let me know why.

Subwoofer on spikes.
On top of subwoofer either a marble or granite slab. Felt beneath the slab to keep it from scratching the top of the sub.
Monitor speakers coupled on small custom built stands (possibly built to hold sand or leadshot) to achieve the correct height, spikes on the stand which would sit on the granite above the subwoofer

Would this achieve decent isolation between the monitor and subwoofer? I see alot of speakers with built in subwoofers, or other types of speakers with the fullrange box and monitor on top, (GMA Continuims, Watt/puppy, etc)

Thoughts on this from you Coupleing/Isolation Guru's?

Would this do a decent job of isolation or should i look into other methods?
Instead of the marble slab, try putting your monitors on points (I use Audiopoints)and couple that baby to your already coupled sub. You know I'm a coupler. That may work..that's a big may, however....
peace, warren
Audiobugged, I like the way you think! ;)
Actually, ive been looking into some sort of a repellant. Probably due to some anomaly in the universe, girls get stupid over me pretty easily. You sure wouldnt think so if you met me though! I guess i have a natural spanish fly. I need a female Ce-coupler and a Slappy-Isolation system.

Anyways, Do the blue dots Isolate or Couple? I figured it would be best to get as little vibration to the monitors as possible from the subwoofer, but maybe im wrong and should try to get them act as a single mass?

This coupling/decoupling thing is a pain in the butt.
But the isolation cones do look cool. heheh
Slappy, I'm not touching your natural spanish fly issue, it would be too easy!!!

The Bluedots I feel would Isolate & Couple, & safe you all this propossed construction time.

Leaving you plenty of time to enjoy your system, & shake off the Women.

Rememeber Danny Bonaduce from the Partridge Family? You might wanna take a really, really, really good look at the women your attracting!!!

The other stupid thing to consider, are they stupid prior to going stupid over you? :0)~
That is definatly a thing to consider. They might have been stupid when i met em. Unfortunatly i dont seem to attract the "Sane" variety very often. When i came to work yesterday people thought i had gotten thrown in a sack with a pack of angry wolverines. What a fun yet very painful and slightly traumatic night! ;)
Why do all the real cute ones turn out to be crazy eh?

Ok, maybe i need to go back in the forums and search up Couple/de-coupling, cause apparently i dont know what the hell i thought i knew i was talking about if you know what i mean.

I thought that De-coupling and Isolation were synonomous, that either one meant to give as little contact as possible to reduce the amount of vibrations recieved from other pieces of gear, while Coupling was the opposite, of which you are attempting to turn the object and what it is on top of into a single mass.

i better go hit the forums. Ive been dreading that couple/de-coupling thread though. Time to dive in
Slappy, "A very painful and slightly traumatic night"? Are you sure she was human?

Sounds more like you hid a banana in your pants, & set a hungry monkey loose! Are your sure it's a spanish, & not a natural polish fly issue? You might want to get some rabies, & tetanus shots?

In laid-mans terms what you can achieve with the Bluedots is keep the monitors in place from the low-end rumble from the subs, & isolate so nothing resonates!

Instead of watt/puppy, you could name your final contraption after your last date - gorilla/chimp? :0)~