subwooferability ???

This thread is an off shoot of the crossover debate in the Hometheater forum.
Do you think that consumer grade subwoofers are able to handle the signals produced by the LFE channel AND five to seven other channels of bass.This has only been addressed by one manufacturer,whise (profunder).What are your thoughts ?
Mind saying, in your observation/opinion, what some of the exceptions are?
If I can add...I would buy a used Vel HGS 18.But you then still have issues of room modes which Aerial Acoustics trys to fix with an on board parametric.I feel you need a full parametric,digital or analog.And that plate amp...for 4500.00.Do you know what kind of bass management system you could build with 5000.00 .You would never look again for another sub .I am not putting my nose in the air and saying mine is best and yours stinks, I'm upset that manufacturers charge way too much for not much at all.I think I should market my system.
Ah, I agree the prices on many "audiophile goods" are unconscionably high compared to the production cost. But hey if someone wants to think that an amp, or CD player or even a cable is worth the money for the parts put in then well the rest of us will be eating the scraps because everybody will be pandering to those fools even if I can afford such an expence. Ah the folly of capitalism and no I'm not a communist. Someone tell me why a Gryphon amp is worth what it is worth considering that the difference between that and a $2000 amp is at best a matter of degree? Someone could make a killing if only they would make a $2000 amp that was really worth that much. The problem as I see it is that someone will be taken and lynched for not believeing that 20k amp sounds better than a 2k amp. Ah, but money talks.
I like my Boston Acoustics PV1000 "Velodyne clone". Under $1k discounted, fast and strong. Nice in cherry, too. Keeps up with and mates with my HT system's Spendor front trio nicely. Less importantly, their VR-MX di/bi surrounds are keepers, too.
What it took to get performence in my system and past systems was individual parts assembled through trial and error.The end product is far from some ,"all in one box sub".Their ability to deliver spl's at a full 20-90hz always failed and the whole system suffers from it's inability to do its job.That is why when I hear a new guy looking for reference quality in a one box system I think back to what I was looking for and hope my advice doesn't fall on deaf ears.And not that a 30,000 krell sub would be fun to play with there is no way it took 30000.00 to get reference quality.Yes,I am jeolous of disposable income of that scale.
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