PSB or Thiel? nOrh??

Hi all. I'm looking at upgrading my Infinity-based home theatre/"stereo" system. My taste is primarily rock (I'm a Rush fanatic), but my music collection contains alot of jazz, classical, country, and just about everything else you can think of except rap. My 5-year old Overture 2's are nice, but I suspect I can find better sound without spending insane amounts of money. ("Insane" - such a relative term...)

Of course, I spend as much time using the system as a home theatre as I spend listening to 2-channel music.

After doing alot of reading, I'm thinking PSB Stratus Goldi or Thiel 2.3 as the mainstays of the new system. I have no dealer near me to listen to any Thiel speakers, so I need the sages' advice before I buy.

For years I've read about nOrh speakers - does anyone have any experience with them? For the price of the used PSB's or Thiels I could pick up new top-of-the-line nOrhs.

I'm open to other suggestions in the 1k-2500 (used or new) price range.

I don't know anything about the nOrh, but, I think PSB and Thiels are very different. While they are a fussy with regards to power and to some extent placement, I'd choose Thiels over PSB in heartbeat.
Try to audition before buying. To my ears, the PSB speakers and Thiel do not at all sound alike. I find the PSB to be more authoritative with good bass while the Thiel are very detailed. If you've heard and like one of these, I'd guess that you would not like the other pair.
Good luck, Dave.