Nautilus803 with ASW 800, or 802 as main speakers?

For several months I have been contemplating on new HT system.
I consider my self to be educated costumer, so I am investigated few speaker brands, and I decided to go with B&W Nautilus.
I listen to different setups with above speakers and I sent my mind to pair them with Classe processor SSP-30MkII, power amplifiers CAV-180 and Classe CD/DVD-1.
I understand that different room dimensions, cables, and my mood for that day will affect any objectivity of comparison with listening, so I seek some good advice.
I primarily listen to classical music 80% and movies 20%.
My new room dimensions are 20x18.
I looking for balanced sound, and primarily are concern with music quality for above room and setup. Thank you kindly Andy K. E-mail-
Both speakers are outstanding. I originally had the 803s and upgraded to the 802s. They have better base and a much bigger sound. The 802s are worth the extra money.
I would agree with everything that has been said by the other posters.
I have owned 805's, 804's,803's and 802's.
there is a significant step up between them all. So if you can go with the 802's you can always add a sub later to any combination.
I would much rather have the BW Nautilus 805s with the BW sub, then the Nautilus 803s with the BW Sub.
why would you take the 805/sub over the 803/sub?
there is less to fill in IE: high bass and mid bass.
the sub has to work alot harder with the 805's but it depends on room size.
and the 805 with a sub is a pretty good combo either way.