Aerial Model 20T vs Wilson WP7 vs Vandersteen 5A

How does the AERIAL ACOUSTICS MODEL 20T compare to the VANDERSTEEN 5A and Wilson WP7?
I was waiting for one of the GON s elite to get this rolling but I guess i will add my two cents . I listened to all three. I am an Aerial man to put the record straight btw. I have an Aerial system . That said I can share my experiences with all three. I like the Vandy 5a . I heard them in the same showroom that the Aerial 20 and WP 7 was in . There is a sound that is so seductive from the 5a that I still may purchase a pair for another system . They produce a sound that is unlike most speakers I have ever heard. There is a " lifeness " that draws you into the music and ameliorates the tendacy to start tweaking once the system has been properly room balanced. This speaker plays lots of music well , not just audiophile recordings . I do not think that the sound is what I would describe as overly clinical to put it mildly but neither is it a colored speaker . The WP 7 is an imaging champion from my audition . Not as clinical as others in their line in that the detail is all there but has a smoother overall presentation than I expected. The bass was very good to excellent as well as the midrange. Overall presentation was coohesive and was striking in its ability to vanish . Ms. Krall may as well have been sitting in the room singing for all I could tell. I could live with this speaker for a lifetime and for audiophile recordings , I would be in heaven. The Aerials have a top end and 3-d like midrange that simply took my breath away. I personally fely that it was every bit as resolved as the WP7 if not more so . This is Mr Kellys crowning achievment of decades of research and it shows up in one of the most beautiful sounding and looking speakers on the planet . The cabinetry and finish are simply something to go gaga over and that was the finishing blow. These are just my personal observations and I encourage discussion as these are three outrageous speakers anyone would be proud to own.
all three are on display at Audio Advice in raleigh N.c. Ivan is a contact. I love that name btw .... swampwalker... I grin every time I read something you post on.