Speaker sound differences?

I've posed this question before but I thought I'd ask again. I find my right speaker a little tinnier or bright sounding than the left speaker. Is this normal or could it be a crossover problem with my Hales T5's. The difference is not noticable from my listening position but is noticable if close up to each speaker. Could this be a room issue even though my room is a perfect rectangle being 17'x13'x9'. I do have windows on the right side but they are covered with blankets and the left side of the room has another room on the other side of the wall. As well there is a door on the left side of the room at the back of the left wall. If I change the channels of the amp to the opposite speakers I hear the difference between the right and left channel of the amp(PasX250)from speaker to speaker switch and the difference is very slight but the character of the slightly thinner sounding right speaker remains. I would try switching the speakers themselves but the effort to get the speakers properly placed to begin with is something I don't want to play with. Could the windows on the right side of the room cause the thinner sound of the right speaker? I notice that the entire speaker sounds thinner including the bass but it is only noticable if looking for this difference right up close at the speakers. The woofers will pump the same(so it looks like) but the left speaker goes a bit lower in bass if looking for this phenomenon.The left speaker is generally fuller sounding all around. It is subtle however. I guess my question is Is it possible I have a crossover problem or inbalance with my Hales or is it more likely a room issue or even an amp related issue? Has any one heard of speakers doing what mine do as a result of inbalanced crossovers? I'm concerned as I will never find replacement crossovers for Hales speakers. Any advice would be highly appreciated as it is of concern to me . I should mention that I got a Hydra 6 to replace my PS Audio P500 and the difference between speakers is less noticable. If I play straight test tones between the speakers they sound even. This phenomenon is only noticable with music. Thanks for your help.
Try reversing the signal L & R through each component CD, Pre-Amp and Amp to see if you can get the effect to switch channels. If you can't, then switching the speakers will be the last test to ensure that it is the speakers and not the room. You could also try substituting different components if you have them available to single out the problem. The problem could also be a cable so try swapping those as well. Do one thing at a time, so you can isolate the problem systematically.

Another trick is to find a mono recording, so you are not fooled by L&R stero signal differences. Or, try comparing your L & R singnal paths with just the L or R signal. Example: Drive the L speaker with the L signal, then drive the right speaker with the L signal. Stand in front of each speaker and they shoud sound the same.

A straight test tone is only one frequency so that will not duplicate the effect you are having unless it's occuring at that frequency.

Good luck,

Every component channel is reversed when one switches the channels at the speaker cables, but Mitchb may want to try exchanging the speaker cable that runs from left amp channel to left speaker with the one the runs righ amp/right speaker to eliminate the speaker cables as the culpret. Of course that only applies if he switched channels via speaker cables at the amp end. IME, its a good idea after switching channels, for whatever you are testing, to let it settle for while before making conclusions. Good luck

Hales forever,
I've tried all the above diagnostic tests except physically switching the speakers themselves. Too much involved to do that.The speakers are pretty close sounding but the difference is there. Sometimes I mnotice it more while listening to certain music. Other times it's hardly noticable. I find that if I use the mono function of my Pass X1 that I get an uneven sound but if I play music in streo and focus on just vocals or whatever music may be coming from both channels to give a good centre image that the sound is quite equal. Thec mono switch of the X1 blends the high frequencies but not the lower mids or bass and I think the mono function may have it's own peculiarities. This is what may be annoying me. Perhaps it's the room. If there is a slight varience between the Hales does anyone know where I could get the crossovers looked at.
Try borrowing a freinds or another pair of speakers. Mark the floor( tape ) where you other speaker are and replace with the borrowed speakers.If it does the same thing its your room ,if not at least you know what your dealing with....
There is a problem with my crossovers in my Hales as when I switched the right speaker and left speaker to the other sides the problem switched with the speaker. One speaker is brighter sounding than the other but I am going to have my crossovers redone with new matching caps for each crossover while keeping the same design as Paul Hales intended when he designed the T5's