Speakers for under $10k used?

I been wanting a new set of speakers and want to stay under $10k used. If you have any recommandation, please reply to this tread. Also please state why you like the speaker you are recommending. I personally have looking into the Revel Salon, but I heard that the parent company Harmon isn't doing too well. Are the rumors true? Thank you for your time.

My vote goes to Coincident Speaker Technology's Total Victory. I own a pair, and the reason I love them is they are full-range, lively and detailed, musically and sonically coherent, are build like brick outhouses and can be driven by pretty much anything. They sell for $11,500 USD new, so they'd be well within your budget if you can find them used.

What would you like the speaker to do? What kind of music do you predominantly listen to? What kind of equipment do you currently have. You have to get into specifics, or you will get total nonsense back.

What room?
Please include height as well.

For large room and proper amplification >=200Wpc I'd recommend Dynaaudio C4.

Synergy with the amp is the first step to better sound, unless you are planning to buy the speakers and built your system around them. You need to be more specific, there is no best of anything out there, good sound comes from system synergy, that is why some have spent less on their system but acheive much better sound than say all A rated components.

Happy Listening