Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K

What is the best all around box speaker for 15K-25K? Like all kinds of music but focus on vocals, Jazz and Classical (no heavy metal).

Vandersteen 5A
Wilson WP 7
Avalon Eidolons
Aerial 20T
Focal-JM labs Nova Utopia
Sonus Farber Cremona
Kharma Ceramique 3.2
If this isn't an indication as to exactly how personal tastes can be, I don't know what is!

As my ex-girlfriend once said:

"What is annoying to one, is endearing to another!"

How about a Dunlavy SC-IV.
Osborn Grand Monument Reference,
Read the reviews
Get out and have a listen to the Vmps RM/X's, at around $10,000 a pair you will have plenty of cash left over for an active X-over and extra amp for a bi-amp setup of these monsters.

I have not listened to a pair of these yet, but have listened to their little brothers..Vmps RM-40's.
