Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K

What is the best all around box speaker for 15K-25K? Like all kinds of music but focus on vocals, Jazz and Classical (no heavy metal).

Vandersteen 5A
Wilson WP 7
Avalon Eidolons
Aerial 20T
Focal-JM labs Nova Utopia
Sonus Farber Cremona
Kharma Ceramique 3.2
Osborn Grand Monument Reference,
Read the reviews
Get out and have a listen to the Vmps RM/X's, at around $10,000 a pair you will have plenty of cash left over for an active X-over and extra amp for a bi-amp setup of these monsters.

I have not listened to a pair of these yet, but have listened to their little brothers..Vmps RM-40's.

I would second the Verity Parsifal recommendation. Their beautifully refined and transparent midrange makes them great for vocals and acoustic instruments. They can rock too, providing your room is not too large.