Best all around box speaker between 15K and 25K

What is the best all around box speaker for 15K-25K? Like all kinds of music but focus on vocals, Jazz and Classical (no heavy metal).

Vandersteen 5A
Wilson WP 7
Avalon Eidolons
Aerial 20T
Focal-JM labs Nova Utopia
Sonus Farber Cremona
Kharma Ceramique 3.2
used Genesis 201 ok technically its a ribbon with separate woofer boxes and dedicated woofer crossover/amplifier for 15k it can't be beat
B&W Sign 800. I have much experience with the B&W line. They are simply phenomenal. You simply cannot go wrong.
The Joseph Pearls also belong on your list in this price range, as do the large SoundLabs (may be room dependent).