Amp for Quad ESL 57?

I am starting to get bored of my current system and wanting to build a new one, again. There's a Quad ESL 57 available locally that I am interested in. However, I have no intimate knowledge of these speakers at all. What should I look for in an amp that will properly drive these speakers?

I did some research and found these speakers to have 82db sensitivity with a wide range of impedance from 60 to 1.8 ohms. Also, it seems most solid state amps need not apply. However, I do not like using tube amps. I am also eyeing an integrated amp, the Accuphase E-202. I hope this amp can properly drive the 57 as I love it's aesthetics. I just hope one won't destroy the other as I read improperly matched amps with the 57 will do. Here is a link to the Accuphase's specs:

I listen to mainly electronic pop such as Saint Etienne, Ivy, Beautiful South, Brookville, New Order. So, I like a delicate sound with an ample amount of pop. No speed metal listener here. My room is about 15x18. My main source is digital but will be getting into vinyl within the next 6 mos.

Your help is much needed and appreciated.

Trej, I heard about the Atmasphere/Quad combo as well. It is definitely intrigueing, but I want to stay away from tubes as much as possible. I want something lower maintenance. Then again, I probably shouldn't be looking at the 57 if I want something service free...

Lapaix, Although your opinion is nostalgia based, I definitely like to hear more about your hifi journey to and away from the 57.

Travelstead, The TT-25 is something I am also keeping half an eye on. Although it is tube gear which I try to avoid, this one seems to be very little maintenance as it only uses a few EL84 (if I remember correctly), and they bias really easily. I also read on audioasylum that someone was asking whether he can use his TT-25 to power a stacked "quad" of 57s. That doesn't happen to be you?
Viggen - I don't have the link on hand, but there used to be a lengthy document put together by a german fellow that listed a bunch of amps that are well known for complimenting the '57's. You should look around for it. I think I found a link on audio asylum, way back when.

Good luck. Peter
Hey Peter, LTNT. Are you referring to this page?

There's a section on here regarding amps to avoid...

5. Not recommended for safe use with the Quad ESL-57 -

Generally following items should be avoided in any
case :

o Solid-state amps made for pro-audio applications
(public address systems)
o Solid-state amps with capacitors in the output-stage
o Cheap integrated amps

I hope the E-202 doesn't fall under these categories. I am now also researching the Manley Stingray as well as the VTL TT-25 if I HAVE to go with tubes. These seem to be safer bets, although I really want the E-202 to work.

I also wonder if the Gaincard would work with the 57. My first guess is no which is why I started this thread. I'd also like to use the E-202 because I've read it has PHAnTastic phono.