Speakers: What's MOST important to you?...

When you demo a pair of speakers, what criteria do you use to judge the quality of sound? What must the speaker have or do that will bring out the check book or credit card?
Besides what has already been said about, first/second is will they mate with my power amp and then work in my room, cannot have huge speakers in a small space. Then I look for a full range speaker that has most of the above. BTW if you find the perfect speaker let us all know. I hae heard over 30 speakers in the last 6 motnhs and none of them sound the same at all.

Happy Listening.
It's difficult to not use the "buzz phrases" associated with this area but here's a try.

I audition the speakers with the closest thing to my setup as possible (ideally in home but let's be real). I also use several pieces of music that I am very familiar with (CDs I take with me) and these pieces of music are known to me both as they come off of CD as well as off of vinyl.

Listening to the music the issue is one of several parts:

1. How close does what I hear come to what it should sound like off of vinyl.
2. Am I hearing anything new from the recording that perhaps I haven't heard before.
3. Does the music sound like music being played or recorded music being played back.
4. Where is everyone in the ensemble -- are there defined points of presentation from individual instruments and vocalists how "close" are they to each other.
5. What do the things look like.

The evaluation is made up of equal parts of the five items above. There are some likely weightings given (particularly to points 1 through 4. I will make allowances for butt-ugly speaks if they really do the job.

That's what I go through and it's always an interesting ride.


An absence of colorations, accurate tonality, detail, dynamics, soundstage and imaging, etc. Each of these qualities is essential, but most of all the speakers must evoke a positive emotional reaction. My speakers should make me look forward to spending time listening to my system. Of course each individual component contributes its share to the enjoyment.
All the characteristics mentioned above plus COHERENCY. Must be seamless from top to bottom and bass must be tight and musical with the ability to resolve inner detail, not just thump, thump, thump. Must present music naturally making you forget your equipment, must engage the inner hedonist as much and more than the inner analyst. Must not
"congest" as volume is raised. Must have upper extension without bumping the higy end, detail that sounds natural, not etched.
Marakanetz, you said it the best. Just add to that good dinamics and you've described my speakers.