Speakers: What's MOST important to you?...

When you demo a pair of speakers, what criteria do you use to judge the quality of sound? What must the speaker have or do that will bring out the check book or credit card?
Have the speakers disappear and forget about critiqueing the sound and just connect with the music.
I agree with Jayarr. When I forget about the music and get into the performance then its time to bring out the check book. I am personally an imaging fanatic. If the speaker can't throw a reasonbly full size image in height and width at me I'm not interested. I know some would argue dynamics is the thing. Well for me its not dynamics because I don't listen very loud. And in truth in most concerts amplified and unamplified I rarely hear truly dramatic changes in volume. Except for large scale orchestral most concerts are amplified to some degree. I don't go to that many large scale classical concerts. What I do hear are dramatic changes in attack. Stats and planars seem to master speed of attack while they certainly don't have the dramatic changes in volume. Ultimately I have found speakers of almost every category of operation perform well on something; but for my preferred listening its image and speed first.
Great answers all! Here is what I was thinking when I asked the question.

I realize everyone is different and tastes vary greatly, but if we could boil this frog down to a single word that encompasses the essence of audiophile nirvana I'd have to select REALISM. If the speaker conveys realism the system should disappear allowing the performance to take place in our ears and mind. If we are presented with realism the music should engulf (engulf = sound stage, presentation, dynamics, extension, SPL levels, accuracy, air etc.) us and allow for nuances previously unrealized. Realism allows the vocals to be presented exactly as the singer intended. Realism gives a seat at the concert where we can hear the plastic pick brush the guitar strings and we feel the air from the kick drum. Realism should never be fatiguing because everything is in balance. As we sit in the demo chair we are presented with a technical gateway between the recording studio/concert hall and our ears, but this conduit should never color. It transports sound, but never gets in the way - REALISM.

Lastly, a good speaker should play all music adroitly. A speaker that plays classical music with aplomb, but can't handle rock or jazz won't get my attention.
Musical engagement (i.e. does the music engage me or not, is my toe a tappin' or not, does it give me goosebumps or not). That type of thing. Not necessarily accuracy to the source until such time as all recordings are "musically" engaging and satisfying. Not until all recordings become accurate to the live event (which, IMO will never happen) will I want a perfectly "accurate" system.
BTW I have often found I realize more when I am engaged in conversation with a friend when 'listening' within reason. I think it is a good thing to engage the subconscious mind, ala Tim Galloway's INNER GAME OF GOLF book etc...