Vandersteen-like "In-between" speakers

I have a pair of Vandersteen 3A signature speakers that came on loan from my brother and I have to give them up in about a month. I am using them with a McCormack DNA-225 and they sound great. I have heard from others that Vandersteen works well with McCormack.

I don't want to spend more money than I have to, but I have about $6K set aside to buy my own speakers. This amount is much more than the 3A signatures. There is no way that I can stretch to buy the Vandersteen 5 or 5A's. A friend of mine has them and they are fantastic.

Can anyone suggest a speaker in my price range, which falls between 3A and 5A, that will give me the same "flavor" as the Vandersteens and will mate well with McCormack? I listen to all kinds of music except very little classical - mostly rock, jazz, bluegrass, vocals.
I know this is off topic, but I wanted to ask for a little advice related to the 3A sigs. I have a pair of 3's that I bought used a couple years ago that I reallt like and I'm curious about the difference between those and the 3A signatures. I know all about the driver differences etc.. but I's like some input on the sound difference. Is it (as I suspect) an absolute must upgrade?
The 3 sounds closer to the 2Ce where the 3A Sigs are closer to the model 5's. They are considerably more transparent, sound stage better and seem to open up so much better. Look at the Sounstage review by Doug Blackburn. He has a pair of 3A's he compared to the 3A Sigs. The 3 would be a ways behind the 3A in my opinion. In fact, I rather have the 2Ce Signature than the 3. Blackburn's review sums up my feelings. For once, a reviewer I agree with on a lot of issues!
Thanks to all for the advice and those that have kept focus on considering the questions asked regarding the 3A in comparison to the 5A and what might lie between (having no interest in the 3 or 2ce).

If sticking with the 3A/2wq option the choices are new and used. I would, of course, like to save as much as possible but I would need to find these locally as to possible avoid shipping damage and costs. This could take awhile since I know my brother is not going to sell his! Buying new would be the easiest way to go.

The other option is to find something else in between the 3A and 5A and the consensus seems to be that there is little that will be too much better in that category based on what I like. This is about what I figured but I am still open to further suggestions.
I have no inside info yet. The last I heard was still second hand...and until I hear it from Richard it's "gossip". Essentially, what I have been hearing for a while is that Richard wanted to combine a 3A Sig. with the 2WQ. The new Quatro is that speaker. Once I get tech specs I'll let you all know about it. Although I doubt I'll be first. Vandersteen will let the world know as soon as they feel confident that the design is final, etc.

In summary, nothing above is gospel! I expect to have more un-official news this week.

Before you pull the trigger...audition the Green Mountain 1.5i at 5k...I have a strong sense you will not be is also Phasecorrect like the Vandies...good Roy at GReen mTn with any questions...he is one cool dude ....