Be very careful as you may get what you ask for. Until a year ago I used two pairs of Entec lf40's which had very extended low frequency response. After hearing a friend's system with the same speakers who had put spikes underneathe them, I tried doing the same on my very solid wood floor. This was an unmitigated disaster. The bass seemed to disappear. In speaking with my friend, I learned that his floor was carpeting over a concrete slab.
After some reading, I discovered that wood floors are very similar to drum heads with a very complex pattern of resonances which varies depending on the particular place on the floor that you site something. Concrete slabs apparently flex less and are more predictable.
The moral is not to try anything which you cannot return if it does not work.
After some reading, I discovered that wood floors are very similar to drum heads with a very complex pattern of resonances which varies depending on the particular place on the floor that you site something. Concrete slabs apparently flex less and are more predictable.
The moral is not to try anything which you cannot return if it does not work.