great little speakers

I'm looking for speakers with a cohorent, smooth, not over- analytical sound that played well in a small room.
So far, the best speaker I've heard is the dynaudio
audience 42.
I also consider the totem mite but haven't heard them yet.
Any other considerations?
Yeah, the 3/5. See my thread re the three baby Spendor versions. The Classic 3/5a is still the best...especially for your needs.
Right now I have the Von Gaylord system and am pretty happy with it. Thinking of switching speakers though Did anybody listen to this system when they were at the CES show. Like to know your comments Thanks HTsteve
Warrenh, I am curious. I have read your enthusiastic threads/replies many times concerning Sistrum racks and speaker stands. Now it's their speakers. You dont happen to be on the payroll do you?

P.S. You probably should update your associated gear on "Starsounds" website it still shows your Revels.
Nah, just love their Sistrum line. That's what gave me the impetus to try their new Caravelles , plus oodles from those who had heard the Caravelle prototypes. Good enough reason to check them out? Case closed. You may want to give them a whirl. Will humble your speakers and take up a hell of a lot less room. You will have to spring for the stands, though. Thanks for your concern about me being on the payrol. I'm sure the 'goners appreciate your thoughtfulness..... peace, warren
Warrenh, I did check 'em out. They are a nice looking speaker, though still obscure (at least on this forum). I didnt mean any harm by that comment, in fact it was a bit dry even by my humor standards, sorry. I know Sistrum racks are well respected and I imagine their speakers will be as well. Although at $4k, competition will be stiff. As long as you're happy it's all that counts.

Upgrading my speakers is a priority but, the amp is up first. I have done some auditioning. I still find myself gravitating towards floorstanders even though I know how well monitors image. I guess its a pyschosomatic "more-is-better" or something. I do like extended bass response though.

FWIW, I dont see anything wrong with enthusiastically supporting a product. I do, and I try to remain objective. Not always successfully I might add. Passion isnt such a bad thing, but it can get you in trouble, double time.