great little speakers

I'm looking for speakers with a cohorent, smooth, not over- analytical sound that played well in a small room.
So far, the best speaker I've heard is the dynaudio
audience 42.
I also consider the totem mite but haven't heard them yet.
Any other considerations?
Warrenh, I did check 'em out. They are a nice looking speaker, though still obscure (at least on this forum). I didnt mean any harm by that comment, in fact it was a bit dry even by my humor standards, sorry. I know Sistrum racks are well respected and I imagine their speakers will be as well. Although at $4k, competition will be stiff. As long as you're happy it's all that counts.

Upgrading my speakers is a priority but, the amp is up first. I have done some auditioning. I still find myself gravitating towards floorstanders even though I know how well monitors image. I guess its a pyschosomatic "more-is-better" or something. I do like extended bass response though.

FWIW, I dont see anything wrong with enthusiastically supporting a product. I do, and I try to remain objective. Not always successfully I might add. Passion isnt such a bad thing, but it can get you in trouble, double time.
I recently bought a pair of the Sequerra Met 7 MK4s and I agree w/SdCampbell. They are very nice, coherent, easy to drive, very transparent. Recommended esp. at their price point ($750/pr new). BTW, Warrenh, they look VERY much like the Caravelles you are raving about. Peace, bro.
Is there a better sounding "little speaker" than the Revel M20s, not that I've heard!
Well Geoh, you haven't heard the Caravelles, obviously. I sold my M20s for these babies. Owned and loved the M20s for a year and a half. The M20s cannot go one round with the (ok, maybe a round) Caravelles. Not even close. The Caravelles are in a whole other league. While I haven't heard the Revel, Gems, I've got it first hand from a Gem owner, that the Caravelle prototypes rivaled his Gems. And that was the Caravelle proto. Can you imagine these? More to come when I've lived with them a bit longer. Two more weeks to settle in and go through my tunes a bit, and then I'll be able to write something to convey my experiences, hopefully, more cogently. . peace, warren
Distortion, you're a gentleman and a scholar; and there's not many of us left. I appreciate the apology. No hard feelings..peace, warren