Totem Beaks

A few questions regarding Totem beaks.What's the diameter of the beak.I need to know if they will fit on the top wood surface of my Vandersteen 3A's without hitting the grill cloth.Also any Vandy owners using them? How many,in what placement configuration,and sonic results.
Thanks in advance,
Mine are 1" in diameter. Appear about 2" tall. Performance is very spk. dependent. I've noticed that smaller "bookshelf" spks. benefit most, IMO. I place them near the front corners.
I owned the Totom Shamans for a few great years. The beaks did indeed offer noticable sonic improvements to the Shaman and slight changes on other speakers i tried them on . Experiment with placement. I too used them on the front edges but that was mainly due to the supertweeter of the Shaman. The beaks offered a more focused image for me.
i use 2 per speaker on the totem mani-2's and the totem model 1's. on left speaker, 1 on the front left side, the other on the back right side. on right speaker, 1 on the front right side, the other on the back left side. i have heard of other people placing these on other speakers with good results.
Funny you should ask as I just went through this. I use Beaks for my Mani-2's and tried them with my 3A Sigs. Absolutely no effect I could discern in any configuration. Remember that the wooden caps to the 3A's are not part of the speaker exclosure in the same way as the Totem's traditional box. What has made a difference however is making sure that the bolts holding the 3A's to the stands are finger tight; mine had loosened which adversely affected imaging.