Trelja: Yes Joe, these were the Legacy's we were working on. We just got them finished tonight and are pretty happy with them. That is, considering what we started off with. They are like a completely different speaker now i.e. MUCH better sounding. They still have a "ported" sound to them, but you can't get rid of that without sealing them or using a more advanced bass alignment. This type of problem is especially hard to conceal when the designer crams TWO woofers into a box that is too small for just one of the woofers!!! All of these designs use a box that is just too darn small for the drivers being used, hence the bloated bass that lacks definition. Believe me, this is only a very small part of the problem too. I took pictures of the crossover network before and after. If i can figure out how to transfer these pics from my camera to my puter, i'll forward them over. As i mentioned in what was probably another thread, we were able to go from a total of 122 connections in the pair of crossovers down to 46 connections total!!! All of this by paying attention to how the crossover was laid out on the board. There were NO circuit changes made, so it's not like we changed the parts count in order to reduce the number of connections. Then again, i'm "preachin' to the choir" on this one, so i'll save it for a more appropriate time : )
Steveallen: Most vented designs can be drastically improved by adding damping materials internally. Very few vented designs make use of optimally sized boxes, so adding internal volume via damping material typically helps to reduce the output peak at resonance and smooth the overall response. This is because internal reflections are damped and the box appears to become "bigger", bringing the alignment closer to what the driver would optimally like to see. To top it off, this approach will typically produce increased clarity and definition due to the reduction of the aforementioned internal standing waves being reproduce and less leakage from the ports.
While i do agree with your suggestion to read this book, many people have read hundreds of books and even graduated from schools with a degree. Reading textbooks and passing tests vs knowing how to properly interpret and apply that information are two very different things. This is why we have so many speakers that sound like crap but look so good on paper. Even those that know how to talk the talk end up not knowing how to walk the walk due to a lack of understanding and experience. If this were not true, Trelja and i wouldn't have initially been impressed with what we read and saw about Legacy's, but we were. Wanting to believe and being able to believe are two different things, especially if you are honest with yourself. Sean
Steveallen: Most vented designs can be drastically improved by adding damping materials internally. Very few vented designs make use of optimally sized boxes, so adding internal volume via damping material typically helps to reduce the output peak at resonance and smooth the overall response. This is because internal reflections are damped and the box appears to become "bigger", bringing the alignment closer to what the driver would optimally like to see. To top it off, this approach will typically produce increased clarity and definition due to the reduction of the aforementioned internal standing waves being reproduce and less leakage from the ports.
While i do agree with your suggestion to read this book, many people have read hundreds of books and even graduated from schools with a degree. Reading textbooks and passing tests vs knowing how to properly interpret and apply that information are two very different things. This is why we have so many speakers that sound like crap but look so good on paper. Even those that know how to talk the talk end up not knowing how to walk the walk due to a lack of understanding and experience. If this were not true, Trelja and i wouldn't have initially been impressed with what we read and saw about Legacy's, but we were. Wanting to believe and being able to believe are two different things, especially if you are honest with yourself. Sean