Kharma, Wilson Sophia, JM Labs I'm confussed????

I currently have the JM lab Micros (non BE). I'm driving them with a YBA passion integrated at 100w/ch. My room size is about 16x14x12. I'm thinking about upgrading to a full size speaker vs the monitors. I'm currently running my system with a REL Storm sub. It does fill in the bottom well, but it doesn't have the full range sound. I want to spend under 10k. my thought was used wilson's, or JM lab mezzos, or one of the Kharmas. i'd be anxious to hear some advice?
Dear Sea2

The system sounds quite nice and the components well chosen. You have given most information but what type of music do you listen to? Have you attended to thinks like dedicated lines and any room acoustics changes made? Finally is there a type of sound you like, ie dynamic, neutral, etc. This would also be helpful prior to making suggestion. Good luck

If you're looking for full-range speakers, consider the Coincident lineup. I've heard four different models now, and they all sound great. They're coherent, detailed, musical and very easy to drive. If you can find a pair of used Total Victory or Total Eclipse they'd do fine in your room with your amp.

I use Total Victories in a well-treated room that's 12x19x8, and they sound fantastic. I drive them with 16 rockin' tube watts. I've also heard a pair of Super Eclipse III giving magically coherent sound with very full bass, in a room that's about the same size as yours with a 9 foot ceiling. They were also driven by 16 watt 300Bs.
I too think you have a nice system. Given your room size, I'd be careful about going with a large full-range speaker, it could overload the room in the bass and you'd lose the flexiblity you have with the separate sub to control the deep bass level; if you like the JM Labs speakers you have, the next size up might be a good choice, but make sure it works in your room.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say the REL doesn't have the full range sound. Where (at what frequency) do you cross over to the subwoofer now--perhaps lowering that crossover point will help?