Question for Dunlavy ScIII users

i recently bought a pair of these and i love them, i am curious what amps work well, in particular how much power do you use, roughly the size of your room and what results you got, thanks
Pass labs indeed sound nice with the dunlavies but IMO ARC or VTL, tubes take them to an entirely differnt levelin the midrange and top end openness. I agree with the above posters that they don't need a lot of power but more is definitely better.
I'm glad Piezo brought up tubes. I bought a pair of B&W Silver Signatures ($8000.00) to use in my main system when I moved it into the basement because they were stand mounted monitors. They didn't have the bass of the Dunlavy's of course, so I tried to insert the Dunlavy's back in, but I couldn't keep them there. The B&W's were so sweet in the midrange that it sounded like the singer was in the room with me. As good as the Dunlavy's sounded, they didn't do that. I used the Krell KSA-50S with both, so I can't blame it all on the 50 watt Krell. But tubes are sweet through the mids, and with enough power in reserve, it may very well the better way to go. Besides ARC and VTL, try giving the Conrad-Johnson Premier 140 a listen.
Mike, you asked about the room. My room in the basement is 16' x 23' with a 7' ceiling. I've had the system on both the long and short wall. The short wall worked better because I have the speakers 4'-5' out into the room, and along the short wall allowed me to sit 8'-10' away. The long wall create a near field monitoring situation that doesn't really even work with the B&W's since I like rock at realistic (emotional) levels.
Ive owned 4 different amps with my dunlavys. Started with a B&K to an Acurus to a Krell and finally to Pass Labs. What Ive found is that the Dunlavys, while fairly easy to drive, are also ruthlessly revealing, especially in the higher frequencies. The cheaper amps and the krell had no problems driving the woofers but the highs were very often harsh and grainy. The Pass took care of that and improved the detail in spades. I run my 4a's with the Pass x-350. Its probably overkill but the looks are great and I like the zero feedback design. Speakers are 12' apart against the long wall and I sit about 10' back