JMLab Micro Utopia Be vs Dynaudio Special 25

I've heard both of these speakers, but in very different rooms with very different equipment. I don't have the ability to audition both of these in the same room, so I'm asking for some opinions about these two speakers. Fire away!
(No need to mention the Caravelles, I've already considered it)


If it matters to you, keep it up. I've started threads about product X and Y only to have someone bring up product Z which I had never heard of.

The more information and opinions, the better informed we can be ... which is the point of an open forum.
I've been the proud owner of the Utopia BE's for a few months now, and I'm one happy Mofo! Do not..., repeat "do not", judge these transducers right out of the box. Once broken-in and mounted on sturdy stands, they will astound and mesmerize you with their exceptional transparency and mind-blowing accuracy! You will shake your head in disbelief once you've heard what those beryllium tweeters can do! Ethereal and grain-free highs that extend to kingdom-come! Wow...! One venerable British reviewer aptly desribed them as "Pocket Electrotatics"! For your info, I listened to the following speakers before settling for the BE's: SF Cremona Auditor; B&W N805 Signatures, Reference 3A MM Da Capo i's; Legend Audio Monitors, etc.. I have not heard the Caravelles and cannot comment on their perfomance compared to the BE's. Based on looks: Micro BE = Britney Spears; Caravelle = Dionne Warwick!
What are Caravelles, I have never heard a word about those
speakers until today.
Read the prevsious threads and you'll get the scoop about the Caravelles. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, Aisip. It all comes down to the sound. I have heard a well broken in pair of Micro BEs. You have not. So I know something that you don't about a pair of Dionne Warwicks. Britney needs quite a bit of help with her bottom end. More $$ to consider when purchasing, already, pricey speakers. Like I said before: the Altos are a much better comparison for the Caravelles. I heard those as well, but not for the length of time of the BEs. Also, the stands to the Caravelles are phenominal. happy listening, warren