what spkr do you suggest with a 12w /chanl amp ?

I have a Sugden vintage A21 class A amp.I obviously need high efficiency +90db speakers to partner it.My room is 15 x 11x 7 ft. I have a budget of $600 and would prefer 2nd hand. I loved the totem arro but they are out of price range. Can anyone with either a tube or low power amp give me their insight into a successful match they managed.I listen mainly to classical and female vocal.Many thanks
Hi and thanks foryour replies so far. It looks like the Soliliquy have sold - pity cos they sound perfect for me. Infinity - any models you can suggest? I had it running thru 87db/8ohm and it couldnt work them efficiently. BTW - im a fully fledged member here now so hello forumites , nice to join you !!
Check out Silverline Audio, Coincident and Buggtussel speaker lines.

Happy Listening
basically, anything with a 96db or higher will be good 98db or above is just great!
I have green Mountain Europas driven by a KR Audio Antares 12W/ channel amp. This combo sounds nice in my 15x20 room, and I rarely play at full volume. The Europas are supposed to be fairly efficient but they also have a flat impedence which makes them a good match for low power amps.