Talon Ravens vs. JM Lab Mezzo Utopias??? comment

I'm in the market for a full range speaker to replace my JM Lab Micros. I've been reading great things about the Talon speaker family. I'll be driving them with YBA Passion integrated at 100wpc. I'd like to hear if anyone has compared these.
continue to remember some experimentation done with speakers lately: in the last few years listened to or owned Soliloquy 5.3 (awful!), Jamo, and Merlin VSM-SE (not bad), and Totem Mites - great little monitor. Talon is no doubt the best of the lot.

would like to modify my negative comments re: the Soliloquy 5.3; have actually borrowed my old pair back and they are not bad as a modestly priced floor stander. Must have had bad synergy or something? They are actcually pretty nice little speakers, sorry for being negative.
Would like to rescind my negative comment re: the Soliloquy 5.3 speakers. I must have had some problems with system synergy, or more specifically with an amp I powered the Soliloquys with. Currently have borrowed a pair of 5.3's while awaiting new speakers. The 5.3's may not be the most resolving speaker in the world, but they are pretty nice little speakers. Musical with decent bass. Small footprint, attractive finish and a full midrange that is quite musical. A good package at the price point! Sorry for being negative.