I am venturing into unfamiliar territory.

I have decided to put together a Home Theater system that will be used ONLY for watching TV, and DVD's. I have chosen the Pioneer Elite PRO 1110 Plasma. I need to decide on speakers and a receiver/processor. I am not looking for high end sound. Just something that will enliven the visual experience. If possible I would prefer to go with in-wall speakers. Budget is in the $3000 range for all.
I know that this question probably belongs on another site, but I feel that on Audiogon, I have a frame of reference. Besides, I'd rather hang out with two channel guys anyday.
I have the Pioneer Elite Pro 1000HD Plasma in my theater room. The amp is a Denon AVR-3803, and the speakers are B&W inwalls. Specifically, the speakers are CWM-800's for the front mains, and CWM-600's for the surrounds. I cannot recall the model number of the center channel speaker, but it is the matching speaker to above. The room also contains a Velodyne HGS-12 sub.

Room dimensions are 22 X 28, with a high ceiling, and even so, this setup is more than adequate. The sound is very acceptable for home theater applications, and I have been very happy with it. So has my wife, especially since she does not have to look at free standing speakers. What is it with that anyway!

Best of luck.

My theory -- women see TV's and speakers as "anti-social." Because when you make TV or music a priority -- you cannot pay attention to others. Therefore, they are rude. Now, if you can hide this rudeness in an armoire or in the walls, that's polite. Therefore, plasma screens and in-wall speakers are polite and anything that extends into the room demanding attention is aggressively boorish. The armoire says, "I only take the TV out when no one else is around." The in-wall speaker says, "I am not a priority." They can also say, "I'm only for background music." Plasma screens say, "I'm not pushy, I'll just wait over on the wall until I'm needed. Cover me with a picture if you want, I won't interfere with your decor -- I know my place." Main thing -- they say, "we put our our highest value on conversation and interaction with others -- especially our guests." And that's the message most women try to send with their environment. Of course, this is a generalization. There *are*
exceptions. But, most of us are not married to the exceptions. If we're lucky, we're married to ones who are tolerant. Rare is the wife who will say, "these speakers aren't big enough. Where's the slamming bass? I think we could get better sound if we could move those monsters further into the room." Along the same lines, have you ever heard a woman say, "is that Led Zeppelin -- crank it up!" Obviously, they are crass creatures with no taste whatseoever.

In walls can be tricky and expensive. Are you installing or your electrician at $80/hour++++++
What are your walls made of?
Are they insulated?
Do you care if sound echoes up to the floor above?

Some in walls have cabinets (snell...). Very nice but you will need someone good to install them. Also, they are not cheap.

In your budget range, I would suggest some nice ON-Walls that are not obtrusive (def tech). Keep in mind that you will need a sub also. You can get an in wall sub but they are pricey (niles, sunfire). The other choice is mini monitors like energy, paradigm or .... with a sub.

You should figure $1000 for the sub, $1200 for the speakers and then get an outlaw or denon reciever with what's left. If your buget allows, the more you spend on the receiver, the more bells and whistles you will get (but not always better sound). Sometimes the oposite-compare onkyo to rotel.
Well Dr. Rob, as usual..your couch is comfortable. I'm thinking that you could rent yourself out for a small fee.

Hey Rsbeck,

Loved your post.

Analyze this though: In my critical listening audio room, my wife was complaining about all the equipment being housed in a cabinet/rack which exposed everything, i.e. everything showed. Sooooooooo, being a good husband, I pleased her by purchasing her very favorite armoire to house the electronics. Guess what though, several thousand bucks later, the doors to the armoire stay open almost all the time, exposing the equipment for all to see. Go figure.