klipschorns & cornwalls/ alk crossovers

i need help from some serious klipsch owners,i have 1 pair of k-horns & 1 pair cornwall 1s with newer mcintosh amps,i can go on all day about what i like about klipsch but its what i dont like,it sounds to me that i need more or better mids,k-horns are great & need nothing but the cornwalls need help,im 15,000 into my rig now & im not gonna start over,i need to work with what i have,i was thinking about the ALK crossovers,what will they do for me,i recently auditioned the b&w 801s & my klipsch stuff blew them away in the bottom end but the top end didnt come close,i tried silver wire & it helped some but not enough,i was also thinking using the mids from the klipsch tscm's which have 4 drivers per each horn,throw me a bone please.
My best advise is to go to the Klipsch website and click "Forum". Ask your question there and I am sure you will get some answers that will center in on your concerns. I have Klipsch Belles with type AA crossovers and have none of the problems you mention. Good luck.
Definitely read the Klipsch Forum's as Jwc37 suggests. You can read my comments on MY experience and opinion of the ALK on my LaScala's by reading my comments on my Virtual System. In a nutshell, I prefer the Klipsch AA's, but if you like a cleaner focus at an expense of soundstage width and depth go for the AlK. YMMV though and it is well worth getting more input. I think it is pretty unusual to find that any of the Klipsch heritage products fall short in the midrange. Are you sure all your horns are working properly and that you have not blown out a diaphragm, or have a bad crossover, bad oilcap, loose wire, etc.......have you gone through everything on the Cornwalls? If you pointed to one of the extremes (high's or lows) I would not be as surprised, but the Klipsch Heritage speakers are midrange champs, especially with tubes. You start out by saying it's the mids that are lacking and later on mention the "top end". Which is it? Are your Macs tube or SS? If they are SS, well then, my truly jaded opinion is that you are wasting a pair of good horns. I have only heard these speakers sound harsh with SS amplification. With tubes they are heavenly to my ears. If it's the mids you are lacking in, I would check those drivers, crossovers and connections and make sure that's all working before taking more expensive actions.

thanks,ive allready had the horns re-done with new dioframs & it helped out in the tweets but not the mids,as for the x-overs they LOOK TO BE IN GOOD SHAPE but i know little if anything about the testing or maintenance of x-overs,HOW DO I CHECK THEM OUT,my amps are SS but perform awesome with my k-horns & the sound from the k-horns is perfect,any suggestions as to who is the best at rebuilding them.