Storm Sandy - best wishes

I live in CT. Have stock piled water, batteries, lantern oil, gas for the generator, have secured items in my yard. Here's hoping the storm will not be as bad as they predict. Some local gas stations have already run out of gas. Walmart in my town no longer has bottled water. Folks driving around town seem to be in a hurry.
I will stay home and listen to some music and/or watch football. Good luck to all, especially those by the shore line.
Be safe to all in the path. It is a tragedy indeed to have time off work and no electricity to listen to music. But be safe and prepared.
Been a funny day so far in central CT; mostly misty drizzle w moderate wind gusting to about 30. Drizzle really stings when rain driven but not much accumulation. Wind has picked up quite a bit in the last hour, gusting to about 40 or 45 and we lost a big limb off of a pin oak, luckily nothing in its path cause green oak limbs are v heavy. Power so far holding up; we lost it for 9 days in my town exactly one year ago. Gradual increasing wind has taken many of the leaves off, which was a big part of the problem last year as they provided lots of area for snow accumulation and wind to blow against.
Palasr. Thanks to the info. That's a small price to pay to keep the basement dry.
Here in Boston, we have had about a inch of rain as of 6PM and a few hours of stiff wind.

Fair number of trees down in the neighborhood, and power is out here and there, really just block by block around here.

I lost 1/2 a tree and had had a small roof leak, but no water in the basement.

On the plus side, all the leaves are gone from my lawn and we are now net leaf donors in the 2012 Great Leaf Swap.
